Thursday 18 September 2014


A friend opened up a Deli in Kensington Johannesburg a while ago and we assisted on his stand at the Kensington Spring Day in the park.

A busy day serving Hungarian fare that saw for a lot of exposure for the deli.
Following our last visit to the deli we decided to tackle our first modular building based on the deli which once completed will be placed alongside the conservation area of Luboville.

As the title of this post states it is a work in progress and has come to a complete halt due to a lack of the right bricks and colour... will update in the future as bricks are available and the model is completed.

Downstairs consists of the cooking area, deli counter and will eventually have a inside and outside seating area. Upstairs is the living area and we plan to build an office area and lounge into the roof.

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After much unpacking, sorting and yes, some procrastination we have finally stated laying out and building our brick city, Luboville. Mount ...