Thursday 25 September 2014


It was Heritage Day yesterday and we took the opportunity to finally sit down and watch The Lego Movie.
"Everything is Awesome", everything in the movie is indeed awesome! 

We were impressed how the animation resembled stop-motion, bearing in mind everything was done through computer graphics, and have to commend Animal Logic for following the same articulation limits that actual Lego figures have.
A family movie (filled with quick humor that only adults will get & appreciate) that reminds us to inspire children, allow them to explore their creativity and think beyond instruction sheets.

Be warned though, The Lego Movie ties-in with 17 new building sets & 16 new characters - admittedly we have already been our and purchased three of the sets!

Lastly we have learned that a sequel is being written and is scheduled to be released May 26, 2017.

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