Tuesday 26 December 2023

75875 - Ford F-150 Raptor & Ford Model A Hot Rod

 This Speed Champions set launched in March 2016 and was withdrawn in December 2017.

Box contains five polybags of  parts and three instruction booklets along with a sticker sheet. Speed Champion Sets always provide fun builds and often surprise with some interesting building techniques; we particularly appreciated the working suspension on the Ford Raptor.  Yet at times these builds can be a bit repetitive in relation to the "extras" in the bigger sets viz, tool racks, trophy stand, winners podium.

This is the first official set that we have purchased that has contained 6054852 Plate (A) 4M 45°

Four included mini-figs are unique to this set.

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After much unpacking, sorting and yes, some procrastination we have finally stated laying out and building our brick city, Luboville. Mount ...