Tuesday 31 May 2016


After many distractions, numerous frustrations, discovering how time flies and realising it is already mid year, we find our way back to the blog and creative bricks. More than months have passed since the last post, plenty new sets released and sets awaited in anticipation, there is much to post and make up for! 

A lot has changed in the 'brick-room" and so has "Luboville" and the plans we had for our brick city - the biggest dilemma is whether or not to combine traditional model landscaping or stick purely to using bricks...

A fair amount of work has been done on the part, there however remains much to do.

The beach has been built up entirely with bricks and a source of complete frustration having run out of the right colour. Blue bricks remain in short supply and it may be a while before we can build the water and waves.

We are clear on what is going to go where and how things will look, so our kingdom for bricks...

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After much unpacking, sorting and yes, some procrastination we have finally stated laying out and building our brick city, Luboville. Mount ...