Tuesday 5 January 2016


We are proud to announce that we are now presenting our various workshops based on the of the methodologies of  Lego® Serious Play™, with two distinct approaches:

@Work provides a structured (yet flexible), facilitated approach to solve your business challenges in a playful & fun way, by-passing conscious thinking & finding common ground & solutions to complex issues.
fun@work tackles short challanges (viz. Productive Meetings), while play@work takes on the more complex issues (viz. Strategy Development).
The methodologies have proven to be a creative & effective solution for most business challenges, and adopted by many organisations world-wide (Google, Yahoo, Master Card, Lego, Coca Cola, SAB Miller, NASA, Unilever, Microsoft, Fujitsu, Pfizer, Unicef, Toyota, to mention a few.) Time to join the fun and let us introduce to your business and inject some serious play!

We tailor all interventions to your organisations specific needs and desired outcomes and are happy to provide a short introductory workshop at reduced rates. Drop us a mail and lets get your team building their way to a dynamic future.

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