Monday 24 March 2014


This blog is aimed at fans of creative buildings blocks, young & old alike providing a platform for comments and idea sharing linked to leading brands and our own "lubo creative brick".
Remembering the excitement and joy of playing with building blocks as a child, the idea came about in 2013 to build a scale city out of these amazing little bricks. Unfortunately the high costs associated with leading brands and the difficulty in purchasing loose/bulk bricks locally quickly put a damper on the idea.
By chance we happened upon an alternative brick and were surprised by the overall quality and usability of the bricks, which quickly lead to the establishment of ‘lubo creative brick’ and exploring compatible brick options.
We realise the purists out there will frown on this and scorn us for contaminating LEGO with other products, we do however believe that there is benefit in alternatives.


After much unpacking, sorting and yes, some procrastination we have finally stated laying out and building our brick city, Luboville. Mount ...